
It’s time for FUN FACT FRIDAY! OW! =)

1. I used to hate using TREADMILLS because they are stationary. I prefer to run outdoors for the scenery. But now I don’t mind using them during the cold months. Gotta keep it tight right? 

2. My favorite food to eat for BREAKFAST is pancakes. Mmmh, it’s like dessert in the morning time =)  …after running on the treadmill. Smh.

3. I joined FACEBOOK back in 2005 as a freshman in college. I liked that it was only for college students. But then it just became open to everyone like every other website at that time. Lol! I love it now though – I can stay connected with friends & family 🙂

4. The last REALITY SHOW I watched was Braxton Family Values. There are so many personalities on one set, they’re all entertainers & fabulous! I love them!

5. MCTS (Milwaukee County Transit System) was my BEST FRIEND back home in Milwaukee. It may be time to make new friends & get acquainted with MARTA (Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority). Eh.

Have a BEAUTIFUL weekend people! Smile. Laugh. & Be Nice.

Don’t forget to check out my NEW video So Beautiful HERE!


Ashleyyy 😉
