So I was looking for a really good pic for today, and decided to look back through my college albums. I came across a photo album entitled: “O’Sickness 2007” (Now O’Sickness was one of the BIGGEST college parties thrown every year in Madison, WI – hosted by Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc. The fraternity on my campus even put a bus together so that all the UW-Whitewater students could attend! So it was cool because all of my closest friends & party goers got to travel together – safely.
So as I’m going through these party pics, I stumble across THIS guys…
*Rolling my eyes* LOL OMG. Okay so I’m in denim shorts, a tee, & some wedges – cool. But I’m in shock because of my accessories! Bright orange fishnet tights, fishnet gloves, belt, purse, ring, handbag & headband!!! (I forgot how “creative” I used to be. Lol) I’m actually still the same way, just a little toned down – haha! To this day I STILL have lots accessories that haven’t been used to their full potential; so I think sometimes I try so hard to incorporate EVERYTHING into one outfit. I think the lesson here is – LESS IS MORE. 🙂
Take a look below – I’m guessing that I looked at the first photo on my camera, noticed my oranges did NOT match, and quickly removed them gloves! HAHA! Good times.
Why didn’t anyone tell me? Lol.
***HaPpY ThUrSdAy!***